Weekly Links

Weekly Reading Links 3.13.2011

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It’s that time of the week again! Check out these great articles from around the web.

Coca Cola Dividend Stock Analysis
Dividend Growth Investor does a great work up of one of the world’s best dividend stocks, KO

Step 2: Consider a Yield Target
The second step in Dividend Monk’s 9 steps to build and manage a dividend stock portfolio

Proctor and Gamble: The Ultimate Dividend Stock
A nice work up of PG by Dividends Partisan

9 Dividend Stocks Sending More Cash Back to Shareholders
Some winning dividend payers by Dividends Value

How to Get MLP K-1’s into Turbo Tax
MoneyCone has a great post about getting K-1’s into Turbo Tax

Good Small Business Ventures
A guest post at Financial Samurai with some small business ideas. I love small side businesses, that you can work on while still being supported by a regular job.

Facebook v. Netflix
A look at whether Netflix deserves it’s $270 valuation by Buy Like Buffett

Commodities v. Companies
The Dividend Guy doesn’t love commodities. Here’s why.

This Weeks Dividend Paying Winners and Losers
The biggest movers this week by Dynamic Dividend

Rogers Dividend Yield Analysis
The Passive Income Earner looks at Canadian Telecom Rogers Communications

Interval Leisure: An Undervalued Stock
Value Walk likes the price of Interval Leisure. What do you think?

I'm a dividend growth investor who is aiming to retire early in 5 years at the age of 45. My goal is to live off the income my dividend portfolio and rental property produce exclusively and leave the corporate rat race. I hope you will join me in this journey!


  1. Thanks for the highlight. Have you considered joining the Gamma Class Yakezie Challenge? Or have you already? I can’t tell as there’s no Challenger badge. You will have a lot of fun!

    • I have thought about joining Yakezie, it’s really a great place for us bloggers to get together, network, and learn. I was always a little hesitant however, since most of the blogs are personal finance/lifestyle and I am more investing. But since you mentioned it, I think I’ll have a go! Wish me luck!

  2. Dividend Pig,

    Thank you very much for highlighting my analysis of Coca Cola (KO). It is one of the best dividend stocks, with a wide moat and a long history of dividend increases.

    Dividend Growth Investor

  3. Hey Thanks for the mention DP!

    I joined the Yakezie party pretty late, but let you reassure you it is the best! Please do join – would love to have you in the family!

