Saving money is generally considered a good idea, especially at times like this, when a worldwide recession is likely, most people tend to focus on it. That said, it’s also important to consider how this could apply to many areas of our lives, not just the areas that seem easiest to do it in.
How can you save money on your tech devices? It’s not always clear. We know, of course, the ways that tech companies try to part us with our cash. For instance, it’s common practice to hold off on upgrading your smartphone each year, because you most likely won’t need a yearly iteration in order to have your device perform every task it needs to.
But what about proactively saving money as opposed to not spending it? Can we do that too? What might that look like with our tech, and is it possible to do without ‘going without’ the norms and conveniences that many of us consider necessary for an organized life? Let’s discuss that, and more, below:
Consider Refurbished Tech
It’s good to have tech refurbished from time to time, but it’s also good to buy refurbished tech. When people hear this, it’s easy for them to assume a very broken-down tech product has been repaired so it operates and that’s it. But the ‘refurbished’ category is actually quite a wide spectrum to consider.
For example, refurbished tech also includes smartphones that have needed a screen replacement. That’s hardly a massive change to the functioning fundamentals of the device, to the point where while it’s classed as refurbished, it’s pretty much just pre-owned. For this reason, you may not even be acquiring an item of lesser value, but will save perhaps hundreds off the asking price a new device may be listed for.
Maintain Tech Devices Appropriately
Maintaining tech devices that you own can seem like a tough ask – after all, what if you don’t have much technical knowledge? Thankfully, even those who may be new to certain devices can have a sizeable degree of control over the tech devices they use. For example, implementing malware removal maintenance can ensure that when you encounter an issue like a virus, you know how to counter it effectively.
It can also be good to view tutorials or specific forum advice for your device in particular, especially pertaining to issues you’re experiencing. This way you can tell if a software/hardware issue is a known bug or if you need to report it. The more people can contribute to discussions like this, the more solutions can be found, and the less tech needs to be replaced.
Sell When You Upgrade
It’s good to keep the flow of devices going when you purchase a new one, because selling your old might provide a fantastic pre-owned opportunity for someone else. Of course, you also benefit here, as you may take a couple hundred from the expenditure that comes with upgrading. For some people, this can help them upgrade early, or at least avoid signing any harsh finance contracts that last too long and may have too high of an upfront cost.
Of course, some contacted deals give you the chance to upgrade after a number of years have passed, so there’s no shame in taking it a little slowly and just waiting for your natural upgrade to come in hand. That said, reselling, or more often ‘trading in’ to official retailers could help you with your finances.
In addition to that you may:
Consider Auction Sites & Buy Second-Hand
Auction sites are a great way to find cheap tech, because people who just wish to be rid of their old device tend to use them for a quick sale. Not everyone has space in their home to keep multiple televisions, so when they upgrade, for example, they may sell their previous model online. You can then make use of that, bidding or even putting in an offer for a quick sale.
In addition to this, sometimes you may get lucky, especially near cities. Offices tend to sell their goods in job lots and wider auctions, so you can imagine just how many monitors, accessories, computer systems and more can be sold (sometimes individually), when they upgrade or refurbish their office. In addition to this, they may even sell quite premium ergonomic furniture like chairs and standing desks that will only benefit your home office, or help you better prepare for a work-from-home role.
With this advice, we believe you’ll be able to consistently save money on your tech devices going forward.
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