It’s a new month and I have some fresh cash to invest into the market. I’m sure you’ve noticed, it’s a little hard to find screaming values in dividend stocks at the moment. The market has been moving up nicely, which is great, but the low hanging fruit has certainly been picked (for the moment).
Anyway, I keep a running log of every dividend stock I purchase which can be viewed in the dividend growth stock purchases page.
So far, I’ve put a little over $2,500 to work with an average yield of 4.2%. I’ve added a little over $100 of yearly forward dividend income this month!
The $IRM purchase was made via DRIP.
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My dividend portfolio has been updated with these buys.
All additional purchases made this April will be posted on this page. I aim to invest $2,500 – $4,000 every month. However, last month I invested a little over $8,700!
I see you are starting to accumulate GILD,i feel that is the only stock which is little undervalued at this moment.
Agreed, its tough to find decent values right now! The good news… there will be lots of great values from us to choose from when this all plays out. I suspect May will be a pretty light month for me in-terms of adding new money though.