This has been a busy “month of love” for me! I tend to go a little crazy the first months of the new year and invest more aggressively then normal. That didn’t workout so well last year when everything went on super sale in March 2020 but I was out of cash. However, even those early buys (prior to the March crash) in January and February still turned out okay 😉
I keep a running log of every dividend stock I purchase which can be viewed in the dividend growth stock purchases page.
So far, I’ve put a little over $6,800 to work with an average yield of 3.6%. I’ve added almost $250 of yearly forward dividend income this month!
The $GIS, $T, $GEO and $CVS purchase were made via DRIP.
New Buys - Feburary 2021
My dividend portfolio has been updated with these buys.
All additional purchases made this February will be posted on this page. I aim to invest $2,500 – $4,000 every month. However, last month I invested almost $20,000!
That’s awesome that you’ve put so much capital to work already in 2021. Cash in my brokerage account burns a hole in its hypothetical pocket. We’re looking at getting back to more aggressive investments in March once the loan we have is paid off. With the accelerated payments we’ve been making that’s an extra $1,500 per month or so that we’ll get to put into the portfolio on top of the $1k or so that we’ve still been putting in. So I’m pretty stoked for this year.
Thanks JC! Congrats on getting that loan paid off, that’s huge!! It made a huge difference in our monthly investing removing a mortgage from our life. Keep up the good work.