I’ve been working hard at growing dividend income the last couple of months. While I’m not exactly thrilled with the prices i’m paying at the moment (most stocks are very overvalued) I’m picking the best deals I can find.
As I mentioned here, I’m making some larger, more frequent purchases thanks to my 401k getting moved to an account I’m able to control. Its an exciting time!
So here is a list of the stocks i’m using to grow my dividend income.
New Buys - April 2017
Below are some graphic charts from Simply Wall St that show the dividend yield range for the stocks purchased above.
AXP Dividend Yield
Here are links to the UPS dividend yield chart, T dividend yield chart and JCI dividend yield chart.
My dividend portfolio has been updated with these buys.
What have you been buying this month?
I love the charts.
You will see great growth in the future!
Thanks Divi Cents!
Lots of great buys and it’s still early on in the month. That will add a lot more dividend growth moving forward. Cheers.
Hi Dividend Daze,
Very early in the month! I have a bunch of limit orders setup as well… just waiting on them to hit. This could quickly become my biggest investing month ever. Just need the market to cooperate with me.
Thanks for stopping in and commenting!
Pig –
Uhm…. you just added $300 in forward dividend income?!?!! you are on a TEAR!!!!