Dividend Growth Stocks

Money in the Trough – January Dividend Stock Purchases – 2020

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Well, a new decade has arrived (HAPPY NEW YEAR!) and we have some new dividend stock purchases to report.  We seem to find ourselves in an expensive market with some big market moving events coming down the pike.  Without a doubt, 2020 is going to be an interesting year!

So, the good news, we’ve signed a phase 1 agreement with China that should be good news for agriculture.  With that, the door is open for future agreements with China to follow… though I suspect those won’t happen until after the presidential election.

Below are the dividend stocks I’ve purchased so far this month.  I keep a running log of every dividend stock I buy which can be viewed in the dividend growth stock purchases section.

So far, I’ve put a little over $4,300 to work with an average yield of 4.3%.  I’ve added almost $187 of yearly forward dividend income this month!

The $DIS and $IRM purchases were made via DRIP.

New Buys - January 2020

My dividend portfolio has been updated with these buys.

All additional purchases made this January will be posted on this page.

I'm a dividend growth investor who is aiming to retire early in 4 years at the age of 45. My goal is to live off the income my dividend portfolio and rental property produce exclusively and leave the corporate rat race. I hope you will join me in this journey!


  1. Way to get 2020 started off right! $4,300 in capital put to work is nice and those $187 in forward dividends is great. I’m hoping for a pull back but who knows how long I’ll be waiting.

    • Blake

      Thanks JC! I also have a hard time not waiting for better deals. I’ve found that investing a minimum monthly amount keeps one involved and sharp. Might be something to consider.

  2. Nice start to the New Year! Torn between waiting for a pullback or just digging in as this market continues moving higher and higher. I enjoy following your journey!

    • Blake

      Thanks Michelle! Seems to be a common stance at the moment as we clearly do have some serious market moving events on the horizon. I work hard to try and remember that not all of these events are market winning or loosing (binary) occurrences. For example, the President was impeached… and the market didn’t really care. Or, we were involved in a trade war with China with massive penalty duties on goods being imported from China… and the market didn’t really care. But then again, the Presidential election has a couple people running that I suspect would be terrible for the markets… but we just don’t know until it happens. Anyway, I say all that to say, it might be worth considering to invest a minimum every month (I suspect you already do) to keep you sharp and paying attention to values as they popup. 🙂

  3. Dividend Approach

    WOW! Added over $800 if forward income in the first month of 2020. Amazing, this is going to be a good year for you Pig. I picked up some ENB and OZK this month as well.

    • Blake

      Hi DA! Yeah, indeed a big month! I was able to put a lot of my ROTH contributions to work early this year! I’m with you on ENB & OZK! Thanks for dropping by!
