Dividend Growth Stocks

Money in the Trough – April Buys

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Sadly, I’ve had another slow month for dividend growth stock purchases.  April, as of now, has been one of the lowest dividend stock acquisition months (in terms of total amount) since I began journaling all my buys.  I’ve had a really difficult time finding values after this extreme market run-up during the last two months.   None of my existing limit orders have been triggered.  But, even the smallest of purchases add up, so here they are.

My Dividend Growth Stock Purchased – April 2016

My dividend portfolio has been updated with these buys as well as the additions made via DRIP.

I'm a dividend growth investor who is aiming to retire early in 4 years at the age of 45. My goal is to live off the income my dividend portfolio and rental property produce exclusively and leave the corporate rat race. I hope you will join me in this journey!


  1. That’s why I’m a huge fan of dollar cost averaging. Then it doesn’t matter as much what the market is doing, up or down. I use dividend reinvestment plans to buy dividends straight from companies each month using a set amount of money.

    • Blake

      Hi Hank!

      I’m with you, DRIPs are great and dollar cost averaging is certainly a proven approach.

      I DRIP some accounts that offer the service for free. For my other accounts that don’t offer a DRIP for free, I pool my money to make intentional buys. As you know, I’m always looking for the best dividend growth stock values 🙂

      Thank you for the comment!
