Hello All,
It’s sure been a while. Hopefully everyone’s still saving and investing and collecting those dividends!
As for me, and this blog, life, as it tends to do, has gotten in the way. New responsibilities and projects have taken the place this wonderful little corner of the internet used to occupy, and I just can’t give it the love and attention it needs to reach it’s full potential. With that said, I am extremely happy to announce that fellow blogger and investor, Dividend Ninja, will be taking over and running The Dividend Pig!
Most of you are probably familiar with DN, but for those who aren’t he’s a great blogger and web designer who plays a major role in the dividend investing community. He’s got some new plans for the site, but overall will keep the look and feel of the original. He knows his stuff, so I’m confident the quality of writing will be just as good, if not better, and I’m happy to see The Dividend Pig with new life and fresh content. I won’t be totally absent, as I’ll still play a small role in TDP, occasionally writing articles here on the blog and on The Dividend Pig profile at SeekingAlpha.com.
I thank all the readers and other bloggers who have helped me with everything from investing to technical assistance to life in general, and hope to see you all again sometime soon.
Best Wishes,
The Dividend Pig
Dividend Pig,
First of all I’m honoured that you have given me the opportunity to become the new owner of your site. I’m sure as many of your readers would say, we are sorry to see you go. But as I’ve said, your profile will always be in place, and no one will ever write under your name, except you. You can continue to contribute whenever you want. 😉
Second of all, your in-depth, and well researched posts have set the bar high! I hope to continue with the standard of quality and depth that you have put into your posts – that’s no easy task. One thing I do want to say, is there are a lot of great Canadian dividend stocks available for U.S. investors. I hope to give your readers some exposure and interest in these companies as well.
All the best DP, and with all your readers, I wish you the best with all your future endeavours! Please feel free to come back and write whenever you like.
Avrom (The Dividend Ninja)
Congrats, site is added to my daily read list
I liked your blog DP!
I’m a regular reader of DN, so i think i’ll like this new life of this blog…!
Good luck u all
Rob and AJ, Thank you! Look forward to seeing you around the new site. 🙂
Though I dont invest in US/Canadian stocks I’ve been reading Dividend Ninja, which provides insightful articles on dividend stocks. I’ve added DN to my favorite list on my blog as well.
Wishing DN all the very best. I also congratulate him for taking ownership of DP site – I know its not easy to manage two or more websites/blogs. Good initiative and good luck to you.
Hi Dividend Ninja: If you get time pls visit my blog and drop your comments. I’d be happy to receive any advice, suggestions, etc from experienced bloggers.
Sridhar, thanx for dropping by! 😉 You may find my new blog The Web Ninja helpful:
Sure. Ill check it out. Thanks for your response.