Weekly Links

Weekly Reading Links 1.23.11

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I apologize for not getting these up sooner, but I spent the week out of town, and all of Saturday in the airport. Enjoy!

What Will Your Dividend Income Be When You Retire?
DividendsValue took all the work out of calculating your dividend income by creating the spreadsheet for you! Free Download!

5 Ways Facebook is Costing You Money
The College Investor shows how Facebook is affecting your life, in ways you may not even know

Hudson City Bancorp Stock Analysis
A great analysis of HCBK by DividendMonk

Debunking the Dividend Myth
Canadian Couch Potato has a series looking at dividend investing vs. index investing. It’s caused some lively debate, and I think everyone should read it

Why I Use Index Mutual Funds and Not ETF’s
A strong argument for mutual funds over etf’s by The Dividend Guy Blog

Why I’m Selling $700,000 of Individual Stocks
That’s a bold move. Andrew Hallam explains why

Dividend Achievers Offer Growth and Appreciation
Dividend Growth Investor shows how the dividend achievers beat the SP500 over the past decade

TD Bank Analysis
An in depth look at TD Bank by The Passive Income Earner

From Natural Gas to Big Macs
The Dividend Ninja looks at some of the stock moves in his portfolio

Could Ford Double in 2 Years?
Could this be the next big growth stock? Buy Like Buffett thinks it may be

Groupon looks at 15 billion dollar IPO
Tech IPO’s have lagged in recent years, but things are heating up with names like Groupon, Facebook, and Twitter contemplating going public

10 American Companies That Will Disappear in 2011
10 companies that are losing business and in serious trouble

Are You A Secret Owner of Apple
Brett Arrends knows that Apple is a big part of everyone’s portfolio, even if you just hold index funds. It’s future is important for us all

I'm a dividend growth investor who is aiming to retire early in 5 years at the age of 45. My goal is to live off the income my dividend portfolio and rental property produce exclusively and leave the corporate rat race. I hope you will join me in this journey!

