Weekly Links

Weekly Reading Links 9.21.12

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Weekly Reading LinksAs you saw from the previous post New Life for The Dividend Pig, I am the new site owner. I’d like to take this opportunity to personally say hello to each of you. Many of you I already know through my Canadian blog The Dividend Ninja. Some of you I don’t know, and I hope to get to know you through the posts and comments in the months to follow.

The Dividend Pig and I have more in common than you may think. He started his blog only a few weeks after I had started the Dividend Ninja, some two years ago. Although I’ve written mostly on Canadian companies, and the Dividend Pig on U.S. companies, both of us took the quality and depth of our posts seriously. I also think the Pig is a tough act to follow. The Pig put a lot of time, effort, and research into his posts, and it clearly shows. His stock analyses are top quality. As our sites grew, I made to sure to send links out his way, comment, and help promote his site when I could. I considered his site one of the best among the dividend bloggers. So being the new owner of the Dividend Pig, means far more to me than just being a new site owner.

So in the tradition of The Dividend Pig, it’s that time of the week again! Check out these great articles from around the web:

Recent Buy @ Dividend Mantra

Johnson and Johnson: Cautiously Optimistic…  @ Dividend Monk

Walgreen (WAG) Dividend Stock Analysis 2012 @ Dividend Growth Investor

DIY Investor Profile – Robert Gibb @ My Own Advisor

QE3 Since When Is Pushing on the Accelerator…? @ The Dividend Guy

Dividend Income – September 2012 @ The Passive Income Earner

Your Friend Just Gave You A Hot Stock Tip… @ Simply Investing

Dividend Income Progress @ Dividends For The Long Run

Chevron’s (CVX) Australian Business… @ Dividend Stocks Online

5 Stocks Employees Love to Hate @ Sigma Swan

Have a nice weekend everyone! An article on the Canadian Banks for U.S. investors is in the works. 😉


  1. Thanks so much for the mention.

    Best of luck with the new site, NInja! Looking forward to the article on the Canadian banks.

    Best wishes.

  2. Thanks very much for the mention! Great new look for the site and I look forward interacting with you here!

    I wish Dividend Pig all the success in the world – no doubt this is going to be a star.


    • Hi Rob,

      Unfortunately yes, it is a common problem for bloggers. I do have plans to continue doing in-depth analysis, and posting them here on the site. As with most other bloggers however, real life sometimes gets in the way. Stay tuned!


  3. Congrats on the new site! Looking forward to seeing what you do with the Dividend Pig in the future.
