The Russian invasion of Ukraine has rocked the market and added some huge volatility. I’ve done what I can to buy during this downturn. As they say, the best time to plant a tree was yesterday!
I keep a running log of every dividend stock I purchase which can be viewed in the dividend growth stock purchases section.
So far, I’ve put almost $12,500 to work with an average yield of 2.6%. I’ve added a little over $320 of yearly forward dividend income this month! The $ENB, $SO, $SBUX, $PFE & $F purchases were made via DRIP.
New Buys - March 2022
My dividend portfolio has been updated with these buys.
All additional purchases made this February will be posted on this page. I aim to invest $2,500 – $4,000 every month. However, in February I invested just a little over $16,000!
That’s a long list of buys for the month. I’m still considering MMM for a March buy. The stock has a pretty high current yield because of its price decline. I know they have their legal issues currently but I can see them getting over them eventually. Thanks for sharing.
Hi DivHut! I’ve had to slap my itchy buy finger away from $MMM several times this week. $MMM already makes up almost 2% of my portfolio – I just don’t need anymore. I’m with you on their legal troubles… based on what I’ve read, they’ll be just fine. Thanks for dropping by!
That’s a very long list of buys, so much deployed capital!
With regards to MMM: if I had the capital at the moment, I wouldn’t hesitate to splurge, at all. The legal troubles are a bit concerning, but in the long-run they’ll be more than fine.
I agree, this is a great potential entry point for $MMM!